How to Play Beersbee

Girl Throwing frisbee on the beach

Are you looking for how to play beersbee? look no further! Beersbee is a fun outdoor game to play with your friends? Look no further than beersbee, a combination of frisbee and beer drinking that is sure to provide hours of entertainment. This game is perfect for a backyard BBQ, a day at the park, or any other outdoor gathering. Beersbee is one of the greatest tailgate games of all time!


To play beersbee, you will need the following supplies:

  • 2 stakes or poles (about 5 feet tall)
  • 1 frisbee
  • 2 empty beer bottles
  • 2 teams of at least 2 players each


Before you can start playing, you need to set up the game. Here’s how:

  1. Find a flat, open area to play. A grassy field or a sandy beach works well.
  2. Place the two stakes or poles about 15 feet apart from each other, forming a goal on each end of the playing field.
  3. Place the empty beer on top of the stake
  4. Divide the players into two teams and have one player from each team stand behind each goal. (You should be standing across from your partner beside a member of the opposing team)Think the same style setup as Cornhole.


Once you have set up the game and divided the players into teams, you can start playing. Here are the basic rules of beersbee:

  1. Players alternate turns throwing the frisbee towards the stake. Players must be standing behind the goal on their side.
  2. If the frisbee hits the pole, the throwing team gets a point. If the frisbee knocks off the bottle the the throwing team gets 2 points.
  3. The opposing team can play defense by catching the frisbee or bottle. If they catch the bottle before it touches the ground points are not rewarded to the offensive team and the defending team gets to start their turn.
  4. If the defending team misses the catch, the other team gets a point and gets to throw the frisbee again. If the defending team makes
  5. The first team to score 21 points wins the game.
  6. Whenever a team scores a point, they get to take a drink from their beer or other beverage. The team that loses the game must finish their remaining drinks.


Beersbee is a fun and easy outdoor game that is perfect for parties and gatherings. With just a few simple supplies and a group of friends, you can enjoy hours of entertainment. So gather your friends, grab some beers, and get ready to play


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