Beer Curling

Beer Curling is a fun tabletop drinking game version of the sport curling. Learn how to play Beer Curling, a game that will spice up the beer pong table. This drinking game can be played in a competitive nature like Beer Die or Beer Pong or casually like King’s Cup. 


4 Players


  •  A Can of Beer
  • A Deck of Cards
  • Beer Pong Table

Beer Curling Setup

Divide into two teams. Take out a Three, Two, Ace, and King from the deck of cards and place them along the side of the back end of the table in that order. (See reference video). Have one player from each team stand on the side of the table with the cards (these players act as catchers) and the other two players on the other side of the table.

Beer Curling Rules

The game’s object is to slide a beer can as close to the back of the table without causing it to fall off. 

  1. Select one team to go first
  2. One player tries to slide the full beer can down towards the end of the table.
  3. If it does make it to a card, the player must take a drink.
  4. In the event the beer can stops beside a card, that team gets to keep those points and give out that many drinks. See scoring section below.
  5. If the can falls off the table, the defending team gets a point. If the can breaks or punctures from the fall, the offensive team must shotgun the beer and replace it with a full can.
  6. Once the turn is over, the next player may go.
  7. Play until 21 points. 


The scoring system for beer curling is as follows:

  1. ACE = One Point (and one drink)
  2. Two = Two Points (and 2 drinks)
  3. Three = Three Points (and three drinks)
  4. King = 10 Points (and a finish drink)
  5. If the can falls off the table the other team gets the point

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