Beer Hockey

Coin spinning on table with cans of beer for beer hockey drinking game
Coin spinning during game of beer hockey drinking game.

Beer Hockey takes the popular sport of the same name and turns it into a table top drinking game. In beer hockey a coin acts as the puck, while you finger acts as a hockey stick. The object of the game is to flick a spinning coin at one of your opponents nets (represented by beer bottles or cans). Traditionally beer hockey doesn’t have an end, so you may want to select a number of points to play up to.

The main variation from Beer Hockey to regular hockey aside from it being played on a table is that Beer Hockey has all players playing as individuals, while hockey is a team sport in which two teams compete.

If spinning coins isn’t your forte, try a different coin drinking game like Up Jenkins or Flip, Sip or Strip.

Players: 4+


  • One can or bottle of beer for each player (bottles work best as they make a sweet “ting” sound when the quarter its them).
  • One quarter (or any coin).
  • Table and chairs (a circle table works best).


Sit around the table in a circle with a bottle of beer in front of you. The beer in front of you will act as your net that opponents will be trying to score on.

How to Play Beer Hockey

  1. Choose a player to go first.
  2. Players take turns spinning a quarter and calling out the name of one of the opposing players around the table.
  3. Everyone except for the player who was called will try and block their beer with two fingers. These fingers act as a goaltender to your beer bottle.
  4. The chosen person must attempt to flick the quarter at another players beer bottle.
  5. If the player misses, or the opponent successfully defends the bottle with their two fingers the quarter is passed to the left for the quarter to be spun again and another name is called.
  6. If the beer is hit (you will hear a ting from the quarter hitting glass) then the game enters a second round of the play. The person who hit the beer gets to respin the quarter. The person who was scored on must chug for the duration that the quarter spins for. 
  7. When the quarter stops spinning the player stops drinking and you may begin a new round.
  8. In the event that a drinking player finishes their drink while the quarter is still spinning they may flick the quarter at another person’s bottle. If they hit the bottle they may now spin the quarter to make that player chug. 
  9. If a quarter remains spinning after being defended by a goalie it is still in play. You may try and flick it at another bottle.

Additional Beer Hockey Rules

Here are some optional rules you can add for a funnier experience:

  1. Penalty Box: If a player cannot spin the quarter in 3 chances they must forfeit their turn and put there beer in the penalty box for one round. The penalty box is the centre of the table. The player cannot defend their net while in the penalty box.
  2. High Sticking: If a player gets hit in the face with the quarter the offender must drink.
  3. Zamboni: If a beer is spilt, the offender must suck it off the table.
  4. Helmet of Shame: If you are scored on three times you must wear an empty beer case on your head until another player takes this title.
  5. Pulling the Goalie: A player can arrogantly call pulling the goalie before their turn. This indicates they will not be blocking their bottle for the next round. This will put a target on their back however if the shooter still misses with the goalie pulled, the player gets a free shot on them.

This game has players chugging a lot of beer in a short period time. If you begin to feel too intoxicated cut yourself off. Do not drink and drive.

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